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a letter opens the window to the world


Special thanks to our actresses Amy(Taiwan) and Vivian(Los Angeles)!

a letter from our founders

In today’s world, US relations with Chinese-speaking regions have without a doubt become of increasing economic and geopolitical importance. The public health crisis brought about by COVID-19, among other pressing challenges including climate change, trade conflicts, and nuclear proliferation only serve to highlight the vital need for international cooperation. 


We were inspired to start this organization because a collaborative future hinges on leadership from individuals who possess a firm grasp of two drastically different languages, cultures, and histories. In a rapidly globalizing world, accumulating such cultural capital from an early age is an increasingly crucial component for success in business, diplomacy, academia, and countless other fields. Unfortunately, many study abroad or foreign exchange opportunities are only accessible to students of privileged backgrounds. Those without the means to travel to many countries or study in schools with a strong international presence will be at a steep disadvantage.


Therefore, through our international pen pal program and supplemental learning resources we hope to reduce educational disparities and inspire younger students to learn about the lives and languages of people unlike themselves. What we offer is an unprecedented opportunity to connect with Chinese students and learn first-hand the intricacies of the daily life, customs, and values of mainland China and Taiwan. It’s our hope that Window to the World will not only facilitate long-lasting and meaningful relationships between students, but also help them develop into culturally-competent, global citizens. 


As young adults who have successfully bridged a myriad of cultures, our entire team is excited to help facilitate international partnerships, alongside serving as mentors and sharing with your students how robust global engagement has enriched our lives. 


We look forward to working with you!


William, Samuel, and Jessica

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