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Happy Lunar New Year! 春节快乐!Which of these auspicious sayings will you be using today?


On Chinese New Year, it is tradition to for older family members, parents and grandparents, to give red envelopes or 红包 (hóngbāo) filled with money to the kids.

It is important that these envelopes are not any ordinary envelopes. The red color symbolizes good luck and prosperity for the new year.

Before receiving the red envelope, make sure stick out both hands and say "恭喜发财!" (Gōngxı̌fācái) to your elder, which means "Wishing you happiness and fortune!". A more traditional way of receiving red envelope is is to kowtow or 磕头 (gē tóu) three times to show respect.

Find this activity under Chinese Learners Lesson 2: Chinese New Year!


We are excited to announce that Window to the World will be helping host a virtual cultural exchange conference for English and Chinese speaking students at our partner schools later this year!

Financial support for this project was generously granted by the U.S. Department of State and the non-profit organization Partners of the Americas through Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund. Our conference will help students meet their peers on the other side of the world as well as promote media literacy education. More details to come!


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