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We are delighted to announce another pen pal partnership between Zheng Yi Elementary School and City Terrace Elementary School!


Have you ever tried unique Chinese candies? 🍭🍬🍫

Common American candies include chocolate, caramel, and toffee. Kit Kats (奇巧 qíqiǎo) are chocolate wafers. Snickers (士力架 shì lì jià) are chewy chocolate caramel bars. Hershey's kisses (好时之吻 hǎo shí zhī wěn) are chocolate snacks with a unique shape! But Chinese candies are completely different and have many types and flavors! White Rabbit Candy (大白兔奶糖 dàbái tù nǎi táng) is both chewy and sweet. Lucky candy (利是糖 lì shì táng) has a strawberry flavor. Guava candy (番石榴糖 fān shíliú táng) also tastes like fruit! We hope that you will run into these candies while trick or treating this year, or introduce them to your friends.

In America, a classic Halloween tradition is “Trick or Treating”! Each year, children walk around their neighborhood and knock on their neighbors' doors, demanding snacks and sweets! Don't worry though, this tradition is much less intense than it seems — it is a lighthearted joke that everyone enjoys. This year if you want to trick or treat, we recommend you stick to social distancing measures and wear a mask. But regardless of social distancing measures, we guarantee you will have fun!

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Halloween is just around the corner! The tradition of wearing costumes originated in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Back then, people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts! Now, kids and adults wear costumes of all sorts to go trick-or-treating! This year, of course, if you go trick-or-treating, please remember to do so safely: practice social distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands, and follow CDC guidelines! 🍭👻

Window to the World's top 3 costume ideas for 2020 are the ghost, pumpkin, and t-rex!

What do you plan to dress up as this Halloween?





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